These are random student works from my senior I.B. classes. They touch many sensitive topics from drug violence, rape, extreme beauty, to teen prostitution. These are only a few of the hundreds of wonderful pieces that my students are creating for their senior exhibit in the spring (a requirement for all 98 of my students to officially graduate!). What I'm most proud and amazed of is these students have only had art for a little over a year and a half! They sure have been working hard to get some work that has something honest and important to say as opposed to traditional high school work that does not let you stretch too much into some of these real-life topics. It's not the most technical in terms of application, but I think these works all have a distinctive style that does not require "flashy" skills that sometimes can visually over burden the work and lose its message in the process. I'll post some more this enjoy, and don't hesitate to comment!
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